Stoneybrook Foundation is proud to be partnering with PATH Intl. and Wounded Warrior Project to be able to provide Equine-Assisted Services and Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy to our local veterans and NO COST to them!
In order to access these services, veterans must receive a referral to Stoneybrook through Wounded Warrior Project in order to receive this referral please follow the following steps:
1. Each participant and/or participant’s family support member must register with WWP via the WWP Resource Center at 888-997-2586 or via website at
2. After registration, the participant must request a referral from WWP for equine-assisted services
at a PATH Intl. PAC. They should make this request by contacting the WWP Resource Center at or 888-997-2586. The WWP Resource Center will
pass the request along to the Triage Team, who will contact the Warrior directly to confirm their
program needs. Once approved, this referral will be sent to PATH Intl. and forwarded on the
nearest PATH Center (which is Stoneybrook). When you receive this referral email, you will know that the Warrior mentioned is approved for ten (10) sessions.
If you need assistance with this process, please contact the Stoneybrook office at 724-613-3312 and someone will be able to assist you with the referral process.