What is Horse Powered Reading and How it Works
Frequently Asked Questions
What goes on in one of the lessons?
The age of the students will depend on what the lesson consists of. Our herd of horses are used as “reading buddies” to help with games such as Boggle, a Pony Express game where words are delivered to the correct word “ranches”, making words out of everyday objects, or word matching.
How do you use horses in your program?
In our program, the horses become participants because we feel that horses can be a pathway to learning.
What is the time commitment?
Our sessions last for approximately one hour and are once a week unless you are doing a Camp Program.
How are the sessions paid for?
Sessions (both the monthly and Camp Program) cost $140 and must be paid for up front. The fee can be paid for by credit card online or by check at the beginning of the session.
What are the dates/times?
You can view the upcoming dates/times on the registration page. Sessions are held with small groups so spots may fill quickly.
How large are the groups?
Each grade group is limited to approximately five students in order to keep the program individualized.
Can parents watch/participate in the lessons?
There is an observation window in our lobby that parents can watch from, however, for safety reasons we ask that parents remain in the lobby.